Preventive Care

Preventive Dentist in Bay Village, OH

Preventive dentistry focuses on procedures and life practices that help our patients to prevent the beginning or progression of oral disease.

This most certainly includes at-home dental care performed by patients, as well as dental care and education by our professional dental staff.

Preventive care in a dental office includes prophylaxis, or the cleaning of the teeth, which removes accumulations of calculus. It includes examination of the teeth and soft tissue, using visual and tactile exams, radiographic examination, such as x-rays, and oral cancer screening.

Newer techniques to diagnose periodontal, or gum disease, include computerized measurement devices that measure the bacterial content in the mouth.

Oral hygiene care performed by the patient at home is a key to good health and disease prevention. The objective is to stop the development of oral disease or to find it at an early stage.

Preventative Care